Thursday, September 27, 2012

Easy way to clone a ORACLE db

Refer to 


if you want to clone a database TEST -> DENEME 
1 take a backup of your controlfile 
2 take online / offline backup of all your datafiles 
3 make a relevant copy of your init.ora file or make changes to you are deneme initora
4 delete your control file, redo logs and datafiles on DENEME
5 move these files from TEST -> DENEME
6 using the back up of control file create the new control file for deneme 
NOTE the database name needs to be changed from TEST -> DENEME with the 
SET Clause and option resetlogs (depending on hot /cold backup)
7 create the redo log files 
8 startup mount 
9 recover the log files until cancel
10 open database

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

create initXXX.ora from spfile

SQL> create pfile='initFDCESW.ora' from spfile='spfilefdcesw.ora';

Friday, September 21, 2012

cp : 0653-447 Requested a write of 4096 bytes, but wrote only 3584.

cp : 0653-447 Requested a write of 4096 bytes, but wrote only 3584.
# ulimit -f unlimited
# ulimit -d unlimited

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Import file: expdat.dmp >

exit from Import file: expdat.dmp >
 ctrl -D

UNIX Command

more -p G filename  

go to the end of file

du- sk

check file size

df -G

show disk usage


10yy and p copy 10 lines and paste


ftp ipaddress

cd , ls or dir

get xxxx
put xxxx

ls -al | tee a.txt


tar -xvf xxxxx.tar


In -s

uname -a

Show the os information


Search and Replace


replace all aaa with bbb

Can't log in as sysdba

$ sqlplus / as sysdba
not working.

Solution: set the oracle_home and oracle_sid correctly.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error

Check tnsping <target_database>, OK
Check tnsname.ora, OK
Check lsnrctl status, OK
Check sqlnet.ora, OK

Finally, solution from Miss Jennifer:Oracle only allows 8 characters for the database file location.(needs to be confirmed)